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Copyright for Archive Footage

Today, we have decided to get the archive footage that will be used in our documentary. These clips are from and we wanted to use them during the introduction.

We have downloaded these clips using

The first clip we wanted to use was of the city nightlife of New York, we decided to use this clip as it will help to anchor the words of our introductory script. I think we will use many clips of famous landscapes from around the world to show the variety and scale of the planet e.g. Sydney Opera House, New York City etc.

The second clip we wanted was a scene of Marilyn Monroe walking out into the street, being followed by the press, this shows
that she was desirable and many people looked up to her. The clip is in black and white and shows how even back in the olden days many people still looked up at celebrities.

However most of the clips varied, as our script said “But who do we remember? The Good? The Bad? The Inspirational? Or the people who influence our decisions in life?” For the section of “The Good, the Bad and the Inspirational” we felt we needed to use archive footage. So we used a clip of Nelson Mandella and the Dalia Lama to represent the “Good”, Adolf Hitler to represent the “Bad” and Elvis Presley to represent the “Inspirational.” We needed to find representatives that people would know and recognise. With the subject/topic/hypothesis of our documentary, it is impossible not to use archive footage. We were aware of the limit of archive/found footage we are supposed to use, so we did only used the clips which were absolutely essential. Not all of the clips we converted we used, I’ll put an asterisk (*) by the ones we did use.– Sydney Opera House– New York City (too big to use on Zamzar) – New York City – Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt* – Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley* – Marilyn Monroe* – Nelson Mandella and the Dalai Lama*

Other clips that aren’t in here that we converted were: Adolf Hitler’s speech* and a Nagar Kirtan in Glasgow.

Written by Akash Singh.

15th of November – Editing

Today we finished off getting the archive footage we wanted and started trying to edit into the opening sequence to our documenty, hopefully this will only last about 30-40 seconds, any more and we wont be able to put everything else in that we want.

we were deciding on which footage we wanted to use out of the archive footage, and we decided that we didnt want to use much of it in the end, because most of it wasnt any good.

Trying to fit in all the footage we wanted to was hard so we had to keep cutting it back as much as we could.

Martha and Akash recorded a voice over of Akash’s voice on thursday the 10th which was put into the sequence to determine what was going to be shown and how long for. So the voice over was making the structure of the begining come together, so it made sence.

It took almost 2 hours to put everything together just for the opening motage, but we wanted to get it as perfect as we could. After we edited it reasonably well, we asked our teacher Mr Ryan what he thought and he gave us some feedback about it. He talked to us about timing and cutting things some much and switching images at the right time to support what Akash is saying.Because all the shots from different archive footage is difference we had to try and make sure it fitted properly going into the next shot and make it smoother.

The whole beginging part is just archive footage, so next we need to figure out how we are gona link the archive footage to our own footage for the actual start of the documentry.


Written by Laura Dunning